Sunday, October 15, 2006

Mid-Autumn Night's Dream: RAC Temasek @ Chinese Gardens!

Members of RAC Temask went out on a sight-seeing fellowship outing at the Chinese Gardens on 7th October, Saturday to celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival.

The haze (PSI went up to 140) and the small turn-out hardly dampened the spirits. The gang, consisting of Kelly Lim, Forrest Chan, Olisa Molokwu and Dennis Tan from RAC Temasek, and fellow rotaractor friends Picasso and Jaslyn, President and member of RAC Marina City respectively, had a solid 2 hour of fun at the "7 wonders of the world"-themed gardens.

Hi-lights of the outing included the exhibits, an unexpected encounter with sexy belly-dancers, Olisa's first taste of Moon-cake, and a startling "discovery" about the Terra-Cotta soldiers of China. Please view the video above for more details!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lolx.... its sooo funny! Nice vid~ keep up the good work guys!

Alaska Ng
Rotaract Club of SMU

(reposted by webmaster)