Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Batam Rendezvous: ready, steady, GO!

Back Row - left to right: Mandar, Lydia, Chiat Ling, Sandra, Amit, Sameer
Front Row - left to right: Manoj, Vignesh, Forrest, Kelly

11 Nov 06 - Batam Rendezvous, here we are!! Vacation-HOO!

The wacky RAC Temasek headed off for a short vacation on the sunny island of Batam, Indonesia, where 36 fun-filled hours of Go-Karting, Shopping, Sight-Seeing, Bumming Around, Spa & Massages, and a late night disco awaited us. Were we Ready for it all? You bet!

Present on the trip were Kelly Lim, Sandra Neo, Tng Chiat Ling, Forrest Chan, Manoj Bhagwat, Amit Malhotra, as well as our internation friends all the way from India, Vignesh, Mandar and Sameer!

Special thanks goes to the Fun-Man and I/C of this outing, Forrest Chan, who's displayed a solid one-man effort on arranging for this trip and making it an unforgetable one!

WooHoo! Another great memory for the club! Catch all the fun in the video below!

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